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Year 5-6 Living Things and their Habitats: Knowledge Retrieval Activities Pack!

Year 5-6 Living Things and their Habitats: Knowledge Retrieval Activities Pack!

This resource offers a wide range of knowledge retrieval activities for those studying Living Things and their Habitats in Years 5-6. It covers information including classification of animals (including the Linnaeus Classification system) , features of living things, naturalists and animal behaviourists, plant life cycles, key, animal life cycles and key vocabulary. There are a wide range of interesting and thought-provoking activities (over 30 slides in total) which help children to secure all of the important information from the unit. Research-approved activities include: -Quick Fire Questions; -Picture Stimulus; -Retrieval Grid; -Fill in the Blank; -Vocabulary Busters; -Fact Dump; -Rank 5; -Detective/ Questioning Tasks; -Anagrams; These resources have been tried and tested in the classroom and have proven successful in helping children to consolidate key information within this unit.
Year 4 Living Things and their Habitats - Knowledge Retrieval Activities Pack!

Year 4 Living Things and their Habitats - Knowledge Retrieval Activities Pack!

This resource offers a wide range of knowledge retrieval activities for those studying Living Things and their Habitats in Year 4. It covers information including classification of animals, features of living things, classification of plants, key vocabulary and habitat changes. There are a wide range of interesting and thought-provoking activities (over 30 slides in total) which help children to secure all of the important information from the unit. Research-approved activities include: -Quick Fire Questions; -Picture Stimulus; -Retrieval Grid; -Fill in the Blank; -Vocabulary Busters; -Fact Dump; -Rank 5; -Detective/ Questioning Tasks; -Anagrams; These resources are tried and tested in the classroom and have proven successful in helping children to consolidate key information within this unit.
Year 3 Rocks Knowledge Organiser!

Year 3 Rocks Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 3 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Rocks’, as a part of their science learning. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview; Classifications of Rocks; Soil; Fossils; Examples of Types of Rocks; Key Vocabulary. The content is fully aligned with the NC expectations for Year 3 children relating to ‘Rocks’: -compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties; -describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock; -recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Year 3 Plants Knowledge Organiser!

Year 3 Plants Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 3 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Plants’, as a part of their science learning. It contains comprehensive sections on: What you should already know (from earlier learning); Functions of Plant Parts; The Role of Flowers (including pollination); Plant Requirements for Life; Water Transport in Plants; Key Vocabulary. The content is fully aligned with the NC expectations for Year 3 children relating to ‘Plants’: -identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers -explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant -investigate the way in which water is transported within plants -explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
KS2 Skeletons and Muscles Knowledge Organiser!

KS2 Skeletons and Muscles Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for KS2 students learning or revising knowledge relating to skeletons and muscles. It contains comprehensive sections on: The skeletal and muscular systems - complete with annotated diagrams and explanations of key bones/ muscles; Overview of bones and muscles, including key facts; Functions of the skeleton - support, protection, and the production of red blood cells; How muscles work - voluntary and involuntary muscles; Annotated diagram of the regions of the spinal column. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Mars Knowledge Organiser!

Mars Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for subject leaders, teachers and students building knowledge relating to the planet Mars. It contains comprehensive sections on: Mars Overview; Physical Characteristics; Key Facts; Comparison with Earth; Important Vocabulary; Position in the Solar System. The resource is designed to be printed onto A4 or A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
KS2 Design and Technology Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

KS2 Design and Technology Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

10 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for children, teachers and parents building knowledge of the KS2 Design and Technology curriculum. The organisers are clear, logical and fully aligned with the expectations of the National Curriculum. Included are organisers based on: -Structures: Shell Structures; -Structures: Frame Structures; -Mechanisms: Gears and Pulleys; -Textiles: Simple Sewing; -Textiles: More Complex Sewing; -Electrical Systems: Simple Circuits and Switches; -Electrical Systems: More Complex Circuits and Switches; -Food and Nutrition: Healthy and Varied Diet; -Food and Nutrition: Culture and Seasonality The resources are designed to be printed onto A3 (although can be printed onto A4), and are provided in both PDF and Word versions (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Big Limericks Bundle!

Big Limericks Bundle!

5 Resources
THIS BUNDLE CONTAINS THE ENTIRE ANIMAL LIMERICKS ANTHOLOGY, THE COMPREHENSION TASKS, THE LUDICROUS LIMERICKS LESSON AND THE COMPARING POEMS LESSON! These engaging, original and detailed resources are designed to help students gain an understanding of how to analyse and create imaginative limerick poems. Made up of interesting and exciting lessons, exceptional original examples, and fun tasks, students will complete this series of learning having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of haikus and limericks, understanding the writer’s ideas within poems, understanding and using creative language and structural devices, and conjuring and developing imaginative content. Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps: - Engaging - Defining/ Understanding - Identifying/Remembering - Analysing/ Creating - Peer or self evaluating. All of the resources are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Activity resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.
Year 6 Science Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

Year 6 Science Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

5 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for Year 6 children, teachers and parents covering all of the science knowledge pertinent to the National Curriculum. The knowledge organisers included are focused on: -Animals, including Humans; -Evolution and Inheritance; -Electricity; -Living Things and their Habitats; -Light. The organisers are separated into logical compartments, based on the key curriculum expectations. Each resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
KS2 Geography Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

KS2 Geography Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

11 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for planning, learning and revising all areas of the KS2 Geography National Curriculum. The knowledge organisers included are: -Rivers; -Rainforests; -Latitude and Longitude; -Human and Natural Disasters; -North America; -South America; -Europe; -Italy (European Comparison); -Greece (European Comparison); -Peru (South America Comparison); -London; There is also a organiser that can be adapted for whichever area of local study you choose to cover (the template focuses on ‘East Anglia.’) The organisers are separated into logical compartments, based on the key curriculum expectations. Each resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Planet Earth Knowledge Organiser!

Planet Earth Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for subject leaders, teachers and students building knowledge relating to the planet Earth. It contains comprehensive sections on: Earth Overview; Physical Characteristics; Key Facts; Comparison with Other Planets; Important Vocabulary; Position in the Solar System. The resource is designed to be printed onto A4 or A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Year 5 Forces Knowledge Organisers!

Year 5 Forces Knowledge Organisers!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 5 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Forces’, as a part of their science learning. It contains comprehensive sections on: What you should already know (from prior learning); Gravity; Definition of Forces; Machines and Mechanisms; Types of Machines and Mechanisms; Key Vocabulary. The content is fully aligned with the NC expectations for Year 5 children relating to ‘Forces’: -explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object; -identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces; -recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Investigating Light - Two Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension Sessions!

Investigating Light - Two Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension Sessions!

These whole class reading sessions aim to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills, whilst enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of light, through reading a comprehensive age-appropriate non-fiction text investigating the nature and properties of light. The text aligns with the upper KS2 curriculum expectations for light. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The text is well-presented, clear and informative and is freely available on Epic (the link to the text is hyperlinked into the first slide of both PowerPoint presentations). The session is best suited for children in years 4-6 although with suitable adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.
Year 6 Animals including Humans Knowledge Organiser!

Year 6 Animals including Humans Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 6 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Animals including Humans’, as a part of their science learning. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and ‘what you should already know’ (from their prior learning); Impact of Diet, Exercise and Drugs; Water Transportation through the Body; The Circulatory System; The Heart; Key Vocabulary (underlined). The content is fully aligned with the NC expectations for Year 6 children relating to ‘Animals including Humans:’ -identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood; recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function; -describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Year 2 Animals Including Humans Knowledge Organiser!

Year 2 Animals Including Humans Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 2 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Animals including Humans’, as a part of their science learning. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and ‘what you should already know’ (from their prior learning); Basic Needs of Animals; Life Stages of Animals; Reproduction and Growth; Staying Healthy; Key Vocabulary (underlined). The content is fully aligned with the NC expectations for Year 2 children relating to ‘Animals including Humans:’ -notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults -find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) -describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Year 4 Electricity Knowledge Organiser!

Year 4 Electricity Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 4 children, teachers and parents covering knowledge relating to ‘Electricity’, as a part of their science learning. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview; Simple Series Electric Circuits; Creation and Uses of Electricity; Electrical Safety; Conductors and Insulators; Key Vocabulary. The content is fully aligned with the NC expectations for Year 4 children relating to ‘Electricity’: -identify common appliances that run on electricity; -construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers; -identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery; -recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit; recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Sir Alexander Fleming - Knowledge Organiser!

Sir Alexander Fleming - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children learning about Sir Alexander Fleming, particularly those studying ‘Significant Individuals’ in history or about prominent scientists in science. It contains comprehensive sections entitled: Overview; Times in His Life; Important Vocabulary; Sir Alexander Fleming Timeline; Answers to the Important Questions; Top Ten Facts. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use.
Classifying Animals!

Classifying Animals!

This detailed and engaging lesson enables students to gain an understanding of what animal classes are, and which animals belong to the different categories. Furthermore, they learn to categorise animals themselves, using scientific knowledge of the features of each animal class. Students justify their choices using critical thinking skills. Students learn through a number of fun and interactive tasks, which enable them to: - Define each animal class and understand its features; - Exemplify each animal class, justifying their choices; - Use research and investigative skills to categorise animals for whom the class is not immediately obvious; - Evaluate the learning and understanding of themselves and their peers. The resources include: -Visually engaging and comprehensive whole-lesson presentation; -Resources for the card-sorting activity; -A categorising and justifying worksheet (and answer sheet for teacher); -An investigation log; -Step-by-step lesson plan. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final page of the slide.
Joseph Banks - Knowledge Organiser!

Joseph Banks - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children learning about Sir Joseph Banks, particularly those studying ‘Significant Individuals’ in history, or those learning about prominent botanists and naturalists in science. It contains comprehensive sections entitled: Overview; Times in His Life; Important Vocabulary; Joseph Banks Timeline; Answers to the Important Questions; Top Ten Facts. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use.
KS2 Solar System Knowledge Organiser!

KS2 Solar System Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for KS2 students learning or revising knowledge relating to the The Solar System. It contains comprehensive sections on: - The Sun, Planets, and Dwarf Planets; - Information about their moons; - Other Bodies in the Solar System; - Human Spaceflight; - Timeline of Discovery; The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).